Modern Slavery is a crime and violation of Human Rights. Ekco is committed to acting ethically in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business or our supply chains.

We firmly support transparency and collaboration to eliminate the risks of modern slavery. The following outlines Ekco’s policy in relation to compliance with the Modern Slavery Act (UK) and it applies to all our operations.


Ekco are Europe’s fastest growing, security-first managed cloud provider operating in Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, and Malaysia. We’ve built close, transformative partnerships with hundreds of customers across Europe, through friendly, personalised support and hands-on management.
We are committed to acting ethically across our business and in our customer & supplier relationships. Ekco is committed to implementing and enforcing effective controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our business or any of our supply chains. The following outlines Ekco’s policy in relation to compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK).

Freedom of association & collective bargaining

Ekco is not currently a unionised environment, however we have a HR team in place who manage all changes to employee terms and conditions through a documented, structured, and monitored process.
Additionally, in accordance with Dutch labour laws supporting the rights of employee representation, Ekco respects and acknowledges the establishment and functioning of Works Councils as outlined in the Dutch Works Councils Act (Wet op de Ondernemingsraden).
Our People Operations team diligently manages all changes to employee terms and conditions through a documented, structured, and monitored process, ensuring compliance with relevant labour laws, and facilitating constructive engagement with employee representatives where appropriate.

Our Supply Chain

We recognise that modern slavery is a complex supply chain issue, and we work in partnership with our customers, suppliers, and partners to address this issue. As part of our Third-Party Governance process, we evaluate whether our suppliers & partners also have policies regarding the prevention of human trafficking and slavery within their own organisations and their own supply chains.

Raising Concerns

If you have any questions about this policy or any concerns about corruption or bribery within the Ekco organisation or supply chain, please contact the People Operations Team.


There are no exceptions to this policy statement.

Last Updated: December 2023