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Written by Keith Batterham

AI augmented practices offer great value to organisations, from productivity and efficiency to creativity. This is something we recognise at Ekco and actively promote to our customers. However, the deluge of manufacturers that are rapidly building these into their devices is likely going to be met with both delight and concern in equal measure.

Let’s take Microsoft’s “Always On AI” approach and walk through where we believe the devil to be in the detail. Many of these we have covered previously. But, importantly, that has been where AI solutions are consciously used, the difference now is deep integration.

This is our view:

  1. The always-on nature of the AI raises questions about constant data collection and monitoring of user activities, potentially infringing on user privacy.
  2. With constant collection and processing of data, there are increased risks of data breaches or unauthorised access to sensitive information. Especially if users may not have sufficient control over when and how the AI is active; it’s unclear whether they can easily opt-out or customise its functionality.
  3. It could potentially consume significant system resources, impacting device performance and battery life, especially on older or less powerful devices.
  4. Decisions or actions could be taken that users don’t expect or want, potentially causing frustration or even harm in some scenarios, especially should there be biases in the algorithms which raises the question as to whether the AI treats all users fairly and equally.
  5. Users may not fully understand how the AI works, what data it’s using, or how it’s making decisions, leading to a lack of trust but equally users might become too dependent on AI assistance, potentially reducing their own critical thinking or problem-solving skills.
  6. Compatibility and integration issues: The AI might not work well with all third-party applications or hardware, potentially causing conflicts or reduced functionality.
  7. Compliance with various evolving data protection and privacy regulations across different regions may be challenging.

These highlight the need for Microsoft and others to be transparent about their AI implementation, provide clear user controls, and address potential issues proactively to ensure user trust and satisfaction.

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