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Dublin, Ireland – [25  June 2024] – In a powerful display of Irish leadership in cybersecurity, Ekco, a leading Irish Cloud Managed Service Provider, today announced a strategic alliance with Tines, a Dublin-based innovator in security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solutions. This collaboration is projected to save Ekco security analysts 400 hours per month, allowing them to focus on more strategic security initiatives and deliver even stronger protection for customers.

Best-in-Class Collaboration Boosts Efficiency

Ekco’s security practice is built on multiple different technologies to offer the most robust security services to its customers. This, while effective, creates a complex environment with siloed data and disparate workflows. Through Tines’ powerful workflow platform, Ekco will gain a centralised view of its security posture and automate routine tasks. This frees up analysts to focus on higher-level threat hunting and strategic security planning. Tines, a leader in smart, secure workflow solutions, offers flexible, intuitive platform that empowers security teams and improves efficiency.

Aligning Cultures, Strengthening Security

This collaboration transcends technology. Both Ekco and Tines are Irish-founded companies with a deep understanding of the security landscape and a shared commitment to innovation. This cultural alignment will foster a close working relationship, ensuring a successful implementation and ongoing support.

(L) Thomas Kinsella COO Tines ; (R) Pat Larkin President of Security at Ekco

“Strengthens the overall cyber resilience of Irish businesses”

Pat Larkin, President of Security at Ekco and Chair of Cyber Ireland advisory board, champions this collaborative approach: “By harnessing Tines’ cutting-edge SOAR platform,” says Larkin, “we’re empowering our analysts to become even more effective hunters and protectors. This not only benefits Ekco but strengthens the overall cyber resilience of Irish businesses. At Cyber Ireland, we actively advocate for collaboration within the industry, and this alliance exemplifies the power of working together to secure our information, brand, revenue and reputation.”

“Ekco is a leader in cybersecurity that epitomises Irish innovation and excellence. Ekco has been a valuable contributor in helping to shape our product development, utilising our new AI features to stay at the forefront of security operations. This collaboration underscores our shared commitment to delivering value to customers globally, enabling them to scale securely and confidently,” said Thomas Kinsella, Co-founder and COO at Tines.

About Ekco

Founded in 2016 by Jonathan Crowe and Eoin Blacklock, Ekco has scaled rapidly across Europe through an ambitious buy-and-build programme.  It is one of Europe’s fastest-growing, security-first cloud managed service providers.

With over 860 employees, it manages its customers’ end-to-end IT infrastructure and cyber security needs with a team of highly skilled engineers and technology professionals with a broad range of expertise.

About Tines

Founded in Dublin, Ireland in 2018 by security veterans Eoin Hinchy and Thomas Kinsella, Tines offers a smart, secure workflow platform designed for problem-solvers. Their flexible, intuitive approach empowers every team within an organisation to automate workflows and streamline operations, delivering impact across diverse customers including Canva, Databricks, Elastic, Kayak, Mars, McKesson and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Tines has secured $146.2M in funding to date from leading investors.


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