Think Cloud For Government 2015

A 5am wakeup call on the 10th of February could only mean one thing?—?we were off to the Think Cloud For Government Event!
This was a great way to get an update on all things related to government procurement and the G-Cloud Framework.
In conjunction with one of our partners, PernixData, we set up a stand where we were able to talk about PernixData FVP (available on G-Cloud as the Lot 4 Cloudhelix Storage Acceleration Service) along with our other G-Cloud offerings. We also had the all-important box of free stuff to give away!
Thanks to everyone that came over to say hello. It was also nice to speak to Tony Singleton (pictured above with our MD, Ivan Whittall) as it was a talk he gave in Brighton in September 2014 that inspired us to press ahead with G-Cloud 6 in the first place!
The talks throughout the day were useful to attend (although it felt like the number of delegates thinned out slightly after lunch!) and it was interesting to keep an eye on the #thinkcg hashtag to get an idea of everyone’s thoughts.
And finally?—?the passion of the #unacceptable2 talk from Rainmaker Solutions had to be seen to be believed! It’s very important to remember that while the recent iterations of G-Cloud have brought many positives, there’s still more improvements to be made?—?particularly outside Central Government. In the words of Chris Chant?—?“Don’t procure before design.”
Sound advice.

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