Using Zerto with PernixData FVP

In a previous post we mentioned the steps required to carry out Veeam Backups along with PernixData FVP. Since we’ve also blogged a bit about Zerto, we thought it best to clear up another common question!
At a glance you might fear a storage clash or incompatibility, since the FVP host extension installs directly into the hypervisor, and Zerto provide hypervisor-based replication.
After checking with PernixData support?—?no need to worry. There is a difference in the ways FVP and Zerto work:
- FVP intercepts I/O via their PSP plugin (PRNX_PSP_RR?—?feel free to verify this with esxcli storage nmp device list)
- Zerto is not intercepting I/O at this level?—?it is viewing it using the VMware API and then replicating it
A quick post?—?but good to know if you are planning on deploying both products.
It’s also a good idea to blacklist the ZRA to avoid capturing its transient data. Unlike our previous post about Veeam, on this occasion the VM does not need to be labelled with a specific policy using the PowerCLI. Instead, it can just be blacklisted using the vSphere Client plugin.
You’ll note from the screenshot that the PernixData plugin is integrated into the vSphere Web Client?—?pretty slick!

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