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In 2018, many companies are using some cloud services or are at least considering the switch from on-premise infrastructure to a cloud-based platform. Whether you choose to put everything on the cloud, or set up a custom cloud platform that combines on-site technology and cloud-based services, there are numerous benefits to using the cloud for your business operations.

With cloud services, your company can access its data any time, from any place. Whether you have employees who travel, numerous office locations, or are worried about having data stored off-site for disaster recovery, the cloud makes it all possible.

Your business will see the benefits of streamlined operations and processes, quick development and deployment of applications, and an overall increase in productivity and cost efficiency. Your IT department will be able to spend less time and money on buying, repairing, and maintaining infrastructure, and more time doing the things that keep your company competitive.

More and more businesses are joining the cloud for these reasons and more. The impact is noticeable. Many tech Chief Financial Officers remark that cloud computing does and will have a real, measurable impact on their business. While it may feel like old news, many enterprises are only just beginning to get onboard with the cloud, due to compliance worries, the speed their industry changes and more.

If you want to migrate to the cloud, but are holding off because it seems too complex, you don’t have enough time to sort it out, or you are worried about business continuity, there’s a solution to these problems and anything else preventing you from utilizing cloud computing — cloud enablement services.

What are Cloud Enablement Services?

In the simplest terms, cloud enablement is the process of putting your business in the cloud. Cloud enablement entails using cloud services to create, deploy or operate your enterprise’s internet technology infrastructure, software, data, applications and other resources, instead of keeping it all on-site.

Regardless of whether you choose a public, private or hybrid cloud setup, it all involves cloud enablement.

Cloud enablement services put your business in the cloud, without you having to do the work. With cloud enablement services, you outsource the work of moving in-house data and information to the cloud, to an experienced, capable provider who can arrange it all for you.

During the cloud enablement process, your provider of choice will answer your questions and solve your problems while transitioning to the cloud without putting your company at risk.

A well-crafted, customised plan for cloud enablement is the backbone of this service. It takes your company and its unique needs, goals and existing services into consideration every step of the way. Cloud enablement services are simple, you get all of the benefits of the cloud, without the same challenges of migration.

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When to Use Cloud Enablement Services

If you want to move to the cloud but are running into problems with it, cloud enablement services from a provider will help. If you are experiencing or foreseeing challenges with the transition to the cloud and migrating your data, cloud enablement services will ease that burden.

If you want to create the perfect cloud solution before you actually move your data, thus solving any problems before they could happen, that is exactly what cloud enablement services offer. These services are also great for companies dealing with confidential data, or information that has to be compliant with certain regulations. It is also wise to hire a provider to ensure that you do not inadvertently compromise information or security.

Alternatively, you may find yourself wondering if cloud computing will really help your company. This is a great question for a cloud enablement service provider, who can help you determine all of the efficiencies and advantages of the cloud, so that it truly works for your business in a tailored, customized way.

Essentially, if you want to successfully implement a cloud environment that is custom-made for your business and all of its needs, with potential issues or challenges considered and addressed in advance, cloud enablement services are exactly what you need.

Why Use Cloud Enablement Services?

There are many approaches to migrating to the cloud. Your company will be faced with many, many options.
Do you want to use the public cloud, the private cloud, or a hybrid approach?

Which service provider is right for your needs?

What about security, bandwidth usage, and the overall cost of migrating to the cloud?

A lot that goes into choosing the right platform. Cloud enablement services answers all of those questions for you, and more. Your existing data, infrastructure, programs and business goals will be adapted to the cloud, in a logical and planned way.

Cloud enablement should involve your whole business, not just the IT department. With cloud enablement services, your entire company and its processes and plans are analyzed and considered as part of the migration to the cloud, so that operations are seamlessly transitioned.

Every department, every challenge and every success is built into the blueprint for your cloud services, maximizing efficiency and success. If you devote too much time, energy and other business resources to your cloud migration, you could drop the ball in other important areas, and your business will struggle as a result.

Cloud enablement services ensure that you do not lose sight of your daily business operations, which are the processes and plans that are bringing in money and keeping your reputation solid.

When you outsource cloud enablement, you are leaving the details up to a team that is experienced in the process ans has the advantage of looking from the outside in, ensuring your cloud platform is the right fit without you or your staff having to focus on anything but your usual business needs.

From finding efficiencies in your systems that can be even more beneficial with the right cloud services, to ensuring that your data and applications are completely secure, a cloud enablement service provider will successfully transition your business to the cloud using best practices.

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