Traditional pen testing is only a point in time assurance validation against your attack surface and limited in its scope. A sophisticated Attack Surface Management (ASM) and Breach Attack Simulation (BAS) capability will continually discover and monitor changes in your attack surface whilst also probing, validating and performing real world adversarial emulation.

ASM powered by watchTowr

In this dynamic threat landscape, the need for a ‘Continuous’ approach to security testing is required. Organisations need to know about cyber risks and threats in ‘hours’ rather than ‘months’.

Ekco’s 24/7 detection and response service delivered with watchTowr’s market leading EASM Technology, provides sophisticated Attacker-Led holistic visibility and continuous assurance testing. By having the watchTowr Platform in place, your organisation can effectively mitigate risks and stay one step ahead of cyber adversaries.

More on our partnership with watchTowr

Attacker-led holistic visibility

Holistic visibility built to reflect an attacker targeting an organisation – whether it’s a mobile app, a domain, an IP, a container, SaaS platforms and more – the watchTowr Platform provides real time visibility of your organisations attack surface and hunts 24/7.

Always on security testing

Continuous discovery, holistic visibility and autonomous testing of your entire attack surface against thousands of continually evolving attacker techniques – as rapidly as every 15 minutes to identify and validate exploitable vulnerabilities as soon as they appear.

A real persistent adversary

Aligned to MITRE ATT&CK, the watchTowr Platform leverages broad TTPs to discover vulnerabilities – including credential stuffing, DNA Analysis and thousands of other advanced techniques. If a ransomware gang does it, so does the watchTowr Platform.

Rapid reaction to emerging threats

Ekco’s MDR service powered by the watchTowr Platform provides 24/7 eyes on screen monitoring and real-time analysis, helping to prevent breaches and the exposure to emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Book a free proof of concept

Point in time penetration tests no longer reflect the persistence, aggression and speed of cyber attackers. watchTowr makes it easy for organisations to truly understand their attack surface. The watchTowr Platform will perform continuous validation and discovery of the attack surface.

Our security specialists will deliver a free proof of concept, enabling you to understand how watchTowr can expose vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your defences.